torsdag 22. mai 2008

Personality test

Spontaneous Idealist (SI)

The spontaneous idealist is a creative, lively and open-minded person. She is humorous and disposes of a contagious zest for life. Her enthusiasm and sparkling energy inspires others and sweeps them along. She enjoys being together with other people and often has an uncanny intuition for their motivations and potential. The spontaneous idealist is a master of communication and a very amusing and gifted entertainer. Fun and variety are guaranteed when she is around. However, she is sometimes somewhat too impulsive in dealing with others and can hurt people without really meaning to do so, due to her direct and sometimes critical nature.

This personality type is a keen and alert observer; she misses nothing which is going on around her. In extreme cases, she tends to be oversensitive and exaggeratedly alert and is inwardly always ready to jump. Life for her is an exciting drama full of emotionality. However, she quickly becomes bored when things repeat themselves and too much detailed work and care is required. Her creativity, her imaginativeness and her originality become most noticeable when developing new projects and ideas - she then leaves the meticulous implementation of the whole to others. On the whole, the spontaneous idealist attaches great value to her inner and outward independence and does not like accepting a subordinate role. She therefore has problems with hierarchies and authorities.

If you have a spontaneous idealist as your friend, you will never be bored; with her, you can enjoy life to the full and celebrate the best parties. At the same time, She is warm, sensitive, attentive and always willing to help. If the spontaneous idealist has just fallen in love, the sky is full of violins and her new partner is showered with attention and affection. This type then bubbles over with charm, tenderness and imagination. But, unfortunately, it soon becomes boring for her once the novelty has worn off. Boring everyday life in a partnership is not for her so that many spontaneous idealists slip from one affair into another. However, should the partner manage to keep her curiosity alive and not let routine and familiarity gain the upper hand, the spontaneous idealist can be an inspiring and loving partner.

Adjectives which describe your type

spontaneous, enthusiastic, idealistic, extroverted, theoretical, emotional, relaxed, friendly, optimistic, charming, helpful, independent, individualistic, creative, dynamic, lively, humorous, full of zest for life, imaginative, changeable, adaptable, loyal, sensitive, inspiring, sociable, communicative, erratic, curious, open, vulnerable

These subjects could interest you

literature, art, music, parties, concerts, travel, dancing, eating out, joint pleasure

Spontaneous Idealists of the world, unite!

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Hei søte deg! Så nydelig datteren din er! Lillesøsteren min er nå snart 5 år og hun heter også Leah!

Det blir bra barn av jenter som heter Leah ^^

takk for at du tittet innom bloggen forresten :) ^^klem

ellaumbrella sa...

Naw, takk!! :) leser på bloggen din hver dag, bra lesestoff :) Ha en fin kveld :D